We invite you to join with us in an exciting opportunity to create our first Bicentennial Bursary award. Designed to support the vision and values of The Edinburgh Academy, supporting pupils throughout their education and enabling them to develop their skill set to leave school 'Grounded in Scotland, Ready for the World'.

The impact of a bursary is transformational. Annual fees at Henderson Row are £18,813 and we have aspirations to create a Bicentennial fully funded secondary award, in commemoration of our 200 years. To ensure the pupil can enjoy all that the Academy has to offer, bursaries can be offered at 100%+. Therefore we have set an ambitious target of £150,000. Any donations received towards this, will help improve the life of a future Academical. 

The impact this level of support has on individuals lives is best heard from those who experience it:

Archie Macpherson, Head Ephor 2017-18 

"I will never forget the life lessons I have learned here. The School built me as a person, and taught me integrity, honesty and respect. Our opportunities are not limited to the classroom, with so many co-curricular activities on offer. As well as captaining the 1st XV, I competed in squash, cricket, athletics. As part of the Model United Nations, pupils were able to visit Geneva. I played in the pipe band alongside by cousin and brothers, and was a member of the Barbican Choir of the Year. 

I can honestly say I wasn't treated any differently to non-bursary pupils and thank this opportunity which has enabled me to continue my Veterinary career aspirations."